Fast Company vs MinuteBox | Corporate Law Practice Management Software | MinuteBox Cloud Entity Management

Fast Company versus MinuteBox

Learn what separates MinuteBox from the rest.

Unlike on-premises solutions, with MinuteBox's cloud entity management there's nothing to install and your data is securely available to you and your clients anywhere in the world.

Everything you need to get started with Legal Entity Management & Corporate Transparency Compliance

Everything you need to get started with Legal Entity Management & Corporate Transparency Compliance

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Fast Company (Do Process)
General Requirements
Operating System Requirements
Microsoft Windows® 8.1 and 10
Any operating system
Word processor requirements
Microsoft® Word 2013 and 2016
None required. Compatible with Word.
30-minute installation with support provided by customer service
No installation required.
System Requirements
Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11
Any modern web browser.
Adobe PDF Viewer Version 11 & DC
None required.
Graphic Card & Monitor
A minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768
No requirement. Works with any modern web browser.
Memory and Hard Drive Space
500 MB hard disk space, 512 MB RAM, 1 GH processor
Server Requirements for Network Installations
Microsoft Server Operating System 2008 or 2012, 2 GB RAM, 1 GH processor, 2 GB hard disk space
License Fees
Number of Users Permitted
10 per license fee
Secure Cloud Access
Cloud Minute Book Sharing
* Information about FastCo provided by the FastCo Do Process website. Last retrieved December 1, 2019.

Everything you need to get started with Legal Entity Management & Corporate Transparency Compliance

Everything you need to get started with Legal Entity Management & Corporate Transparency Compliance

Get Started Today